CEPAS is a Personnel and Training Courses Certification Company. It was established in 1994 to meet the market needs in providing the highest level of competence and experience in its professional activities.
Since July 2016, CEPAS has been a Bureau Veritas Group Company.
- CEPAS certifies people, according to ISO/IEC 17024:2012 “General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons”. The certification schemes, defined with the participation of stakeholders, include competence requirements, training courses, certification procedures and renewal.
- CEPAS operates as Product/Service Certification Bodies (ref. ISO/IEC 17065:2012).
- CEPAS also works in the field of training, qualifying and monitoring training courses given by training providers recognized nationally and internationally.
The CEPAS “mission” is to ensure professional quality training in areas where this need is most conspicuous.
CEPAS Certification allows you to practice in the following countries
AA (Austria) Belac (Belgium) Bas (Bulgaria) HAA (Croatia) Cai (Czech Republic) Danak (Denmark) Eak (Estonia) Finas (Finland) Cofrac (France) DAkkS (Germany)
Esyd (Greece) NAH (Hungary) Accredia (Italy) Latak (Latvia) LA (Lithuania) Rva (Netherlands) Na (Norway) Pca (Poland) Ipac (Portugal) Renar (Romania)
ATS (Serbia) SNAS (Slovakia) SA (Slovenia) Enac (Spain) Swedac (Sweden) Sas (Switzerland) Turkak (Turkey) Ukas (United Kingdom) NAAU (Ukraine)